Saturday, January 31, 2009
am mending a broken heart..

Sunday, January 25, 2009
jalan kerja jalan kerja

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
small treat... BIG love...

Sunday, January 18, 2009
It happened yesterday...
I was exhausted. I went to places almost every weekend and this particular one I had to work on saturday. Just my luck. I got home around 2pm. Then, after refreshing myself I started checking my emails. Yup, after almost 2 weeks without being 'connected', I am now back in this net world. So, it took me quite a while to check all my emails. Since I didn't want to be disturbed by my nephews (they like to play in my room), I locked the door. I was all alone. Just me and my laptop. The tv was off. I seldom listen to the radio. Just the sound of the cool air coming out from my air conditioner (yup, it needs to be serviced). After what seemed like one and a half hour, I then decided to have my forty winks. I had an appointment at 5, so a nap would refresh me. The room was quiet. I was flying high in the dreamland. My soul was being sucked deeper and deeper to the unknown. Suddenly, I heard a click and..
"Yeah, kita bersama dengan artis yang seterusnya, Hattan dengan lagunya Cinta Si Rama-rama"
The TV was switched on! I woke up instantly! Looked around me. I was trying to find my nephews. Did they come in while I was sleeping? I didn't see them. I stared at Hattan. He was starting to sing his new number. I walked slowly to the attached bathroom. No one was there. Who switched on the idiot box? I stared at the door. It was shut closed. Wait a minute! I had locked the door! No one could enter my room without me opening it. So.... who switched on the tv? Because it is quite an old tv, the remote controller doesn't work anymore. I had thrown it away yearssssssss ago. I have to press the button on the tube to switch it on. I stared at the screen. My favourite band, Meet Uncle Hussein was singing 'Lagu Untukmu' now. It was a live telecast program called HITS from TV1. I knew this program but had never watched it before. I listened feelinglessly to MUH. I was still baffled. Who switched on the tv? Was I scared? No. Did my heart beat fast? No. I was just...... confused!
It doesn't make sense. I'm still wondering until today, what triggered the tube. How did it self-activate itself? When I told my parents this morning, Mak went quiet while Abah continued eating his breakfast.
After like 5 minutes...
Mak: Sebab kamu banyak sangat berjalan sana sini. Pastu kadang2 balik sampai lewat malam.. Mungkin ada yg mengikut.
Abah: Ish, ngarut je.. Entah-entah memang kamu dah on tv tu.
Me: ok bah, kalau ter'on' pun, kenapa after about 2 hours baru gambar dia keluar?
Then I gathered the plates and mugs and washed the dishes.
It remains a mystery...