Mak is my favourite person... Milo ais is my favourite drink... Plus me, we make a wonderful team, a great combination.. hehe... Ever since i installed internet at home and became a blogger, i seldom go out anymore.... One, becoz my nightlife is fading due to my shringking circle of friends. Two, becoz i am usually busy during day time so i can only online at night. Three, becoz i just want to be alone in my orange world. Due to this change of lifestyle and my obsession of the virtual life, (which is not healthy at all, i can assure u that!) i always find excuses whenever my parents ask me to join them having dinner outside. M always ask them to tapau instead. seldom food, usually iced milo or milo ais. mak always grumbled 'why can't u make one urself instead of paying RM1.60 to those people'. And my answer was the usual 'malas la mak...' hehe...
Thus, sometimes she comes back without milo ais but then she quickly makes one for me! And other times, she does like what she did tonite - again my parents wanted to eat out. My brother was paying. I had just switched on my laptop. Then mak came to my room. She opened the door just slightly. I could only see half of her body. Out of courtesy she asked me whether i would like to join them for dinner. I said 'no thanks. not tonite.' Then patiently she asked whether i would like anything from the restaurant? I answered ' nothing. Errr.. just milo ais'. suddenly she opened the door wider. I was speechless! She had a glass of milo ais with her! She smiled, handed my fav drink to me and jockingly said ' u should pay me RM1.60'... hahahahaha... I was touched. I was grateful. I was delighted. This is not the first time she did it, but everytime she does it, i am overwhelmed by her thoughtful motherly gesture.
Sheepishly i took the drink and enjoyed every sip of it! I love milo ais. I love my mak more! But i am not a good daughter to her... I make her cry at times... I dont mean it, i swear! I just have to try harder to understand her and treat her better. Sorry mak for all the tears i've caused u! Thanx mak for the milo ais and for every sweet thing u do for me. I love u mak, i really do! I love us!
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