Thursday, November 20, 2008

TWOgether again!

Yahoo!!!! Just got great news from my friends. TWO great news actually. My best friend Shida is coming back to Perak! Yipppiiiieeeee!!!!! And we will be working in the same place! Thank you God! Thank you for this wonderful news!

Shida and i knew each other during our uni years. We studied together for nearly 6 years. Then both of us got job offer in Perak, but different district. We seldom saw each other during the first 3 years, until she asked for transfer to my district to live with her unwell mom. We became very very close after that. Both of us love sushi and coffee. Every month after our payday, we would make a date for sushi king and coffee bean. We would hang around for hours with lots of juicy gossips. We always helped (and still are actually) each other in every aspect including financial problem. Then she got married. I became her wedding planner. My first attempt of being a wedding planner. It all happened in a month of April 3 years ago. later that year she moved to Johor following the husband. I was crushed. No more sushi and coffee partner. No more sounding board. No more friend to laugh and to cry with. Nevertheless, we still see each other, about twice a year whenever she came home to visit her mom. When she called me last night and told me this smashing news, i was on top of the hill. I'm getting back my life. Can't wait for January to come where we will be colleagues.

And this morning, R called me. Currently she is working in town K. And she just got her transfer. Starting January, she would be working in my town. Now i have TWO sushi buddies! TWO coffee lovers! TWO great friends! TWO good TWO be true huh?! Just my luck! ;D

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