Saturday, April 11, 2009

life is a box of contradictions...

Just got back from dinner with the Big Boss. It was a celebration for his promotion. He was glowing with proud and joy the whole evening. He deserves the promotion. He's been working very hard to be where he is now. I honestly happy for him and actually pray for his success.
Funny how life is. I've been working for him for 8 years now. I got promoted in 2004 and work directly under him ever since then. It was difficult. Really difficult. I couldn't understand him. Couldn't meet him. Couldn't figured him out. I tried my very best to please him but failed miserably. He once humilated me in front of everybody, scolded me in a meeting, cancelled my prog at the last minute and that's only to name a few. I finally gave up then. I didn't quit though, I just stopped figuring him out, stop trying to please him and make him proud of me. I just did what I was supposed to do and tried avoiding as much conflict as possible. Last year I thought I would be replaced, but no.. he kept me. He gave me another chance to prove myself! I was grateful, yes, and determined to do much much better this time around. Then I met GP and he broke loose the secret of winning your Boss' heart. Not just any Boss, but MY Big Boss. From GP I learnt that I had an ego bigger than my head and always thought that I was smarter hence refused to accept criticism. Shame on me...
Thank God I'm a fast learner and within months things started to improve. When Big Boss got to know about my 'career project' he wasn't keen at all. He wasn't sure I was cut out for it. But, seeing my determination he supported me but of course I had to prove myself to him. That was why I worked doubly hard for his project that turned out to be a blast which rewards him his promotion tonight. Through GP's advice and guidence I slowly meeting my Big Boss in the middle. I can't say I understand him completely but at least I know what he likes and doesn't like and I now have a list of the dos and the don'ts. We communicate better and feel more at ease with each other. He even jokes with me and I feel more relax with him.
When I didnt get the job, I sent him a text informing him about it, telling him that I'm gonna be ok and will not give up. He gave me a beautiful message after that:
"Oren, don't worry. The world is full of contradictions. There will be no 'up' if there is no 'down'. Along the way we shall accumulate lots of experience that would bring good for our future. you are still our ****** whom we are proud of. We are behind you always."
So, tonight after the dinner, after almost everybody had left the room, he came to my table, sat next to me and we had little chat. I congratulated him again and we talked about his new job scope. He thanked me but I told him I should be thanking him instead for all the things he had taught me. We smiled. It felt good. I felt great. Things are looking up between us. Alhamdulillah..
I thank you God.. and I thank GP...
GP.... hmmm.....


Nurul said...

life is full of contraditions. i agree with that. seems like u love your job very much, isn't it? good luck in your job then ;D

Oren said...

thanx nina.. yeah i definitely don't loathe it or else i wouldnt be dwelling in it till today. It's a very challenging job but it gives colours to my life.. ;D

Oren said...

Angel, seems like my account is filling up each and everyday :)