I woke up a little bit early than usual but still late comparing to the other family members. Dad nagged, nagged and nagged. I did some house chores while waiting for my mom and sis to come back from our neoghbour's house to get raya cookies that we ordered. Later sis and I went for a facial treatment as well as pedicure and menicure. A kind of luxury that I seldom get nowadays. I used to pamper myself once in 2 months.. then once in 3 months, and now once in 6 months... I don't have much for unnecessary luxury. I need to save up for my career project. This is the sacrifice that I have to make.. It is so little comparing to other unforunate families. Hence, I shouldnt be complaining. Bersyukur dengan rezekiNya.
Once I got back, I rested for a while before cleaning up and tidying up the living room and my room. After berbuka, I accompanied my niece bermain bunga api di laman rumah. We sang and danced in the lights and smoke from the bunga api. I'm pretty sure the passers-by had a good laugh looking at our silliness.. I had a great time myself! hehe..
Later I continued my job as a 'bibik'. I vaccumed the whole house.. err.. almost the whole house ( didn't do the bedrooms). While I was doing it, the whole family was having lemang and rendang in the kitchen. Automatically I sang the song 'beginilah nasib diriku yang malang, oh tuhan...' They laughed and called me cinderella. But then dad came to me and fed me some lemang. hehe.. memang suka kalau makan disuapkan! So, I continued vaccumming the house and once in a while went to the kitchen for my share of lemang.
I didn't really have the raya mood before this. Lots of ugly things happened lately.. but after seeing all the raya cookies, lemang, ketupat and rendang, the excitement is growing. I don't anticipate it to be a really smashing raya, but I'm sure it will turn out fine. My friend Mun See and her family are coming during lunchtime. We only see each other once a year- during raya- without fail! Sheeda, my best friend is coming for tea. She has moved to JB with her hubby, or else I wouldn's be this lonely. Am looking forward to see her. Some other friends are coming as well.. Thus, it's gonna be a good raya.
I will stop feeling bad about myself. I will think more positively from now on. Insyallah my entries after this won't sound pathetic anymore.. hehe.. If I can't have the best, I'll make the best out of what I have. Life will become more beautiful and meaningful that way.

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