I've been receiving a mountain of cards since 4 years ago.. since I hold this position in my community. I remember feeling excited and overwhelmed on my first year getting all those beautiful raya cards from those important people. My mom proudly put those precious cards in a decorated wooden box and put it in the middle of the coffee table. All guests would be able to see them and of course read them. On the 2nd year the excitement faded a little bit. I refused to read the cards in the third year! And this year, before the raya holidays end, the cards will be placed in the bin. Except for one though... one particular card from Z... Hang on a second guys! I keep his card not because he is Z but because he is the only one who gave me a raya card because he wanted to, not because he had to. The rest of the card senders, they gave me the cards because they had to; because they wanted something in return. Most of them don't even know who I am. Some have never laid their eyes on me! The cards were given out of courtesy! My name was not written in those cards they gave. No personal notes. There's even a card where the sender forgot to sign it!!! So, what's the point of getting raya cards from all those government people when the cards have no life! No touch! No nothing! Zero. Nil. Empty.
Well, sorry lifeless cards, an empty bin awaits..
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