Saturday, October 3, 2009
Dugaan di bulan Syawal....
Friday, October 2, 2009
Allah The Almighty...
BismillahAllahummasolli'alamuhammad wa'alaalimuhammad Salamun 'alaikum
17.16 (QS. Al Israa’ ayat 16): “Dan jika Kami hendak membinasakan suatu negeri, maka Kami perintahkan kepada orang-orang yang hidup mewah di negeri itu (supaya mentaati Allah) tetapi mereka melakukan kedurhakaan dalam negeri itu, maka sudah sepantasnya berlaku terhadapnya perkataan (ketentuan Kami), kemudian Kami hancurkan negeri itu sehancur-hancurnya.”
Sunday, September 27, 2009
my friend is a real asshole!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
am back......
Saturday, August 1, 2009
kebodohan yang nyata...
Mereka memanupulasi dan dimanipulasi. Hasilnya? Demo jalanan, huru hara, gas pemedih mata, lebih ramai yang ditangkap dan ditahan pihak berkuasa. Kesannya? Menggugat ekonomi negara, menggugat keharmonian bangsa, menjadikan Malaysia sama je dengan Thailand dan Indonesia dan negara haru biru yang lain!
Dengan sedikit pengetahuan umum yang aku ada pasal ISA, aku percaya ianya patut diteruskan, namun mungkin perlaksaaannya perlu digubal balik. Walaupun kita ada undang-undang negara tetapi secara realitinya kadang-kadang kita tak boleh bergantung sepenuhnya kepada undang-undang tersebut.. Adakalanya kita terpaksa melakukan sesuatu dengan undang-undang kita sendiri asalkan kita ada valid reason for it.. Seorang kawan yang juga seorang peguam menulis "ISA bukan sahaja untuk keselamatan dalam negeri sahaja tetapi ISA boleh menyelamatkan org kita yang sedang dalam buruan pihak luar negeri. Contohnya, ISA telah menyelamatkan Nik Abduh daripada di Guatanamo kan oleh CIA jahannam" Sebab tu la ISA diwujudkan pada pahaman aku... Tapi, mungkin caranya ada kalanya nampak tak kena dan ianya memberikan persepsi buruk kepada kerajaan memerintah.. Seperti pendapat seorang blogger "sedikit arak/wine adalah baik utk kesihatan tetapi sifat manusia yang pelupa dan tamak, maka arak telah disalahgunakan, maka ianya diharamkan oleh allah swt. begitu juga ISA yg asalnya untuk menyekat dan menghapuskan pengaruh komunis telah disalahgunakan dan berlaku penyelewengan" Sebab itulah aku rasa ianya patut digubal semula dan dimurnikan.
Walau apapun, aku memang tak setuju kaedah demo jalanan digunakan. Ianya langsung tidak memberi jalan penyelesaian. Aku tak faham kenapa para pengdemo ni tidak berjumpa sahaja dengan pemimpin atasan, duduk berbincang dan memberikan cadangan-cadangan bernas untuk meleraikan kemelut ISA ini... Kenapa mereka tidak boleh menjadi rasional dan profesional? Mengapa mesti menggunakan emosi dan bertindak bodoh? Tapi tahu tak apa yang lebih bodoh dan mengecewakan? Seperti kata seorang temanku "yang paling menyedihkan ialah...yang bersusah payah berdemo nanti..majoritinya org2 melayu dan yang bakal mendapat faedah daripada jika ISA dihapuskan ialah majoritinya pelampau-pelampau Cina dan India (termasuklah segelintir kecil melayu) contohnya hindraf dll...sekali lagi org2 melayu diperalat..." Bangsaku DIPERALATKAN! Dan mereka langsung tidak menyedarinya! Itulah yang paling mengecewakan.. :(
Sunday, July 19, 2009
forbidden love.... part one
Friday, July 10, 2009
not too obsessed
Alamak... Obsessed shouldnt be shown on cinema la... It is more like an HBO movie je... It was not terribly boring but just ok. That's how to describe it.. just OK. Or could it be because I expected a lot from Beyonce? I bet it wont hit the box office...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
To marry or not to marry...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
lean on me...
It was a very moving story. I was overwhelmed by the determination of Mr. Joe Clark (Freeman) as the principal to change his school and his students for the betterment no matter what the obstacles were. I cried watching the movie, boleh??? hehe.. semakin tua semakin vulnerable and touchy lah... hmm....
Anyway, below is one of Clark's brilliant speeches which I got from one of the websites:
My motto is simple: If you do not succeed in life, I don't want you to blame your parents. I don't want you to blame the white man! I want you to blame yourselves! The responsibility is yours!!
In two weeks we have a practice exam and a minimum basic skills test on April 13th. That's a hundred and ten school days from now. But it's not just about those test scores. If you do not have these basic skills, you will find yourselves locked out! Locked out of that American Dream that you see advertised on TV -- that they tell you is so easy to get.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
bursts of laughter

Friday, June 26, 2009
the eve...
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
want the NEW thing...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Al fatihah..
Pakcik Z aku anggap macam bapa aku sendiri.. Dia banyak membantu dan menyokong aku dan kawan-kawan dalam kerja amal kami. Dia seorang yang ceria dan selalu berjenaka. Seorang yang sangat disenangi dan sentiasa tersenyum. Kerana itu kehilangannya dirasai dan diratapi. Namun daripada dia terus menderita sakit, adalah baik dihentikan kesengsaraannya. Mungkin itulah yang terbaik untuk Pakcik Z.
Sahabat aku ini sangat rapat dan manja dengan abahnya ini. Selalu nyanyi karaoke di rumah bersama.. selalu dia mengikut abahnya ke kenduri-kenduri kawin sebab abahnya ada buat bisnes PA system dan karaoke kecil-kecilan. Memang susah untuk dia berpisah dengan abahnya. Berat mata memandang, berat lagi mata memikul. Tambahan pula abahnya pergi pada Hari Bapa Sedunia. Memang tragis. Aku doakan roh allahyarham Pakcik Z dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang beriman. Aku doakan sahabat aku ni dan ahli keluarganya dapat mengharungi hari-hari muka dengan penuh ketabahan da kekuatan. Aku doakan yang terbaik untuk semua. Amin.
To my Dad:
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I dream of NZ
Sunday, June 7, 2009
syoknye cuti!!!
It was good to finally be able to spend time with my nephew and nieces. We didn't do much actually.. Just went for breakfast and lunches (I had my dinners with friends), watched tv together, did grocery shopping at the hypermarket and had little chats in the car on their way to their extra classes in school and tuition classes. Enough to pull us a little bit closer!
I enjoyed my dinner with Z who just got back from South Africa. Yup, he went to Cape Town and Johannesburg. Not only my eyes turned green when he told me 'bout his stupendous trip to those places, I actually could feel my whole body turning to that colour! I was extremely jealous and mad! Jealous becoz he went there, and mad becoz he didn't tell me in the first place. I got to know about it from Facebook!!! Some friend he is!
My outing with Sugar was fun! Even though our initial plan, which was to visit Huggies (the one who just lost his leg due to diabetes) was cancelled at the very last minute, we still enjoyed every ticking from 12.03pm t0 err.. 8.57pm! We started our outing with a steamy lunch with Mr. CEO (whom I fancy very much but I have to forget the idea of being romantically involved with him becoz he is, umm... taken). He was looking so darn handsome and yummy in his yellow shirt and goldish tie and that spiky hair style! I didn't eat much.. I was just drooling over him, boleh? hahaha... Sugar and I had our little sweaty adventure in Times Square - we forgot where we parked the car in that huge building! Actually it was my fault for I led Sugar to the wrong escalator.. Well, what can I say... I was busy talking to Mr. CEO that I got confused with the escalator! hehe.. Sorry, Sugar! But it was a good exercise wasn't it? We managed to burn some calories! hehehe... After the wonderful lunch, we hit Isetan in KLCC and Ms. Sugar cum Ms. Shopaholic bought herself two pairs of sexy shoes and 3 pairs of gorgeous tops and one elegant long skirt! Me? I was happy with just one nice top. But the trying part was really fun.. I believe we spent nearly TWO hours trying out ALMOST ALL (a bit exaggerating here, I know.. hehe) the outfits there! The salesgirl was very sweet and honest in giving her opinion on our fitting session. I nearly bought the same long skirt that Sugar bought, but the sweet salesgirl said "akak kata akak dah ada skirt hitam kan? so, tak payah la beli yang ni.." Boleh? Kalau bos u dengar dik, abis u...!!! But, thanks dik! Jimat duit akak! huhu! During dinner we were joined by Mr. Vogue. He updated us on Huggies' condition. Hmm... We really sympathised with him... Hope he's doing much better now... And to Sugar, WE SHOULD DO THIS AGAIN!!!
I managed to have a quick breakfast with Honey and her cute son at Dome, The Curve. We had tea together a few days before when she came to Perak. We didn't eat much but more on talking. And the same happened during breakfast. We talked and talked and talked.. hehe.. Girls are indisputably good at that!
On my last night in KL, my cousin took me out for a quick dinner and a movie. We ate Nando's quarter chicken, fries and salad in 11minutes je, boleh?!!! Well, that was because Terminator: Salvation was waiting for us! We left home quite early but we got stuck in traffic (KL, tau je la kan?), PLUS, we took quite some time finding the cinema in that gargantuan Pavilion! (Nape la diorang ni suka buat shopping complexes besar-besar sangat? Penat berjalan la woi!!!). I must admit that I wasn't thrilled when my cousin told me that we were to watch Connor and his friends fighting some machines, but the movie turned out to be good! Rasa macam tak berkelip je mata ni tengok citer tu... Those who haven't watched it, better book the tickets now!!! Highly recommended!
So, that was pretty much what I did during my 5 days stay in KL. Hope I could do it more often! With more friends hopefully!!! ;D
Sunday, May 31, 2009
taking a break again..
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
kalau tak sedar juga, tak tahulah nak kata apa....
Subjek: Kisah Benar Seorang Tan Sri
Dalam sebuah majlis, seorang usahawan berbangsa Cina yang juga bergelar Tan Sri sedang ditemuramah oleh seorang wartawan. Duduk berdekatannya adalah 2 orang jurutera, anak beranak berketurunan India yang bekerja dengan syarikat Tan Sri tersebut. Berikut adalah perbualan mereka:-
Tan Sri: Kerajaan perlu bertindak adil dalam pengagihan kek ekonomi negara. Tidak boleh ada diskriminasi terhadap kaum bukan Melayu. Kontrak antara orang Melayu dan bukan Melayu mesti diberikan sama rata demi keadilan. Lagipun bangsa kami banyak menyumbang kepada kemajuan negara walaupun kami digelar sebagai kaum pendatang. Setelah bersusah payah semenjak sebelum merdeka, maka wajarkah kami dinafikan hak sebagai warganegara. Orang Melayu perlu lebih berkompromi dengan kaum lain untuk maju. Liberalisasi perlu dilaksanakan dengan meluas dalam semua sektor demi mencapai kesamarataan antara kaum.
Wartawan: Tan Sri, boleh saya tahu sudah berapa lama dua orang jurutera ini bekerja dengan Tan Sri?
Tan Sri: Oh...sudah lama. Praba ni dah bekerja dengan saya hampir 30 tahun sejak syarikat ni ditubuhkan lagi. Malah anaknya pun sekarang bekerja dengan saya lebih 10 tahun. Mereka ini adalah pekerja saya yang paling berdedikasi dan banyak menyumbang kepada kemajuan syarikat.
Wartawan: Kalau begitu, apa kata Tan Sri berikan sebahagian saham syarikat ni kepada mereka berdua. Lagipun mereka sudah lama bekerja dengan Tan Sri, malah banyak menyumbang kepada syarikat sepertimana kata Tan Sri tadi.
Tan Sri: Eh... Mana boleh! Ini syarikat saya. Lagipun saya dah bayar gaji yang mahal kepada mereka berdua dan saya tak pernah halang pun jika mereka nak kumpul harta. Mana boleh senang-senang saya nak bagi saham syarikat saya pada mereka.
Wartawan: Macam tu jugalah perasaan Melayu. Tanah ini asalnya milik orang Melayu. Milik raja-raja Melayu. Lepas tu orang bukan Melayu macam Tan Sri pulak nak mintak hak sama rata dengan alasan kerana telah banyak menyumbang. Tan Sri rasa wajar atau tidak permintaan tu?
Tan Sri: .................................. (terkedu)
Kisah di atas merupakan sedutan daripada kisah benar yang berlaku dalam sebuah majlis perasmian kilang di Gemas, Negeri Sembilan.
Apa pendapat anda??
p/s: Sudah terang lagi bersuluh... Namun masih ramai Melayu yang tak sedar akan hak hakiki mereka... Sudahlah ketinggalan dari segi ekonomi dan pendidikan.. Satu-satunya peninggalan arwah nenek moyang (hak-hak istimewa org melayu) pun nak dijualnya kepada bangsa lain... Bukan bersikap perkauman, cuma tidak mahu dimasa akan datang Melayu hanya gah pada nama (MALAYsia) tapi akhirnya merempat di bumi sendiri... Pengalaman berada di Papua New Guinea sudah cukup mengajarku untuk memastikan agar bangsaku terus menjadi Tuan di bumi MALAYsia ini.. Jangan pula kita menyesal di kemudian hari...
Saturday, May 23, 2009
syukur alhamdulillah

Keputusan itu dibuat selepas panel tiga hakim diketuai Hakim Datuk Md. Raus Shariff berpuas hati bahawa Sultan Perak betul ketika melantik Zambry menggantikan Datuk Seri Ir. Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin pada 6 Februari lalu.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Uniknya Perak
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La La La La La Laaa…
La Laaa… La Laaa…
Ooh! Pening kepala
Memikirkan tak ada kerja
Tanam Anggur
Sijil diploma
Ah! Gantung didinding saja
Ooh! Lega rasanya
Jawat kerja pegawai pemasaran
Di Pertama
Rupa, oh! Rupanya
Kerja am sajaaa!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
Ooh! Terpinga-pinga
Tak puas lagi beradu, mengantuk
Subuh hingga senja
Ah! Hari-hari sama saja
Ah! Nak bancuh kopi
Tapi gulanya tiada, minum saja
Kerja bagai nak gila
Ah! Tak juga kayaaa!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
Gelisah, kugelisah
Mengenangkan masa depan
Kuharus kerja
Oh! Mesti kerja
Tiada apa yang percuma
Realiti tika tiada kerja
Oh! Papa kedanaaa!
La La La Laaa… La, hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa… Hari-hari kerja!
La La La Laaa… Bosan dengan kerja, haha!
La La La Laaa… La, hidup harus kerja, kerja!
La La La Laaa La La…La La La Laaa La La…La La La Laa La La…
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
searching for an answer...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
things people do for love...
He always showers her with gifts, flowers, motivational books and what not. Hoping she would see how sincere he is towards her, how hopelessly in love he is with her. He gives her motivation to face the odds, provides her shoulders to cry on when she breaks down, shares his strength when she is at her weakest point, lifts her up when she is falling apart. His life revolves around her (besides his 2 gorgeous angels). Still, she wants him only as friend. He has come to the point that he just wants her to be happy. He would do anything to see her joyous smile. He loves her so much, it hurts.
He believes (or maybe I made him believe?) that the core of her problem is money. She lacks of it. If she has more money, she can get a house nearby the office, hence, less travelling. If she has more money, she can show to her ex that she is financially stable and can afford to take care of her daughters. She misses them terribly and wants to be with them always. If she has more money, she can buy a laptop and do her work from home and spend more time with her kids. If she has more money, she can pamper herself more, hence, makes her happier. Money is not everything, yes, but everything is money. Upon, realising this, he knew he had to do something. Oh, no, he could not just give her money. She wouldn't accept it. So, he came up with an idea (it was actually MY idea!) to create a job for her. A part-time job as his Personal Assistant. No, he didn't need one actually, but he did it in the name of love. He made up stories of being awfully busy and offered her the job. She eagerly accepted it! She was so keen and wanted to start asap! She was extremely excited! He was extremely relieved ! He planned to buy her a laptop and pay her RM500 a month. All comes from his own money!!! He told me that he wasn't really sure what he wanted her to do actually. Maybe just updating his schedules and writing memos for the time being. Wow! RM500 a month and a laptop just by doing that??? He didn't care he said. He just wanted her to be happy. That's enough for him. He is not expecting anything in return from her. It's ok if they just remain friends. He is happy when she is happy. He would do anything for her.. Anything for love..
Hmmm........ That's the story of my friend. Is he a fool foolishly in love? Or a desperate man who let love conquers all? Or a sweet guy with a sincere heart that put others first before him?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I bought a fancy mirror for my Lady Boss. We thought of doing glass painting on it then ask her to hang it up on her office wall. I used to do glass painting with Sheeda 3 years ago. We even made money out of it! But when Sheeda moved to JB, we stopped doing it. Don't know whether we still got the skills or not.. hmmm... Anyway, I mms my friends before we settled on this unique mirror which we called 'sistem galaksi'.. hahaha... or should it be called 'sistem suria' instead? hahahaha... Cantik tak?;D (masa tangkap gambar ni angle tak betul la.. hehehe)
Oh, my brother and his new wife tagged along. So far things are getting better among us. My eldest sister was the one with the loudest objection on the marriage but all the while we were in KL she chatted merrily with them! That was a relief! Just hope that it will last.
We left KL after maghrib on Monday feeling good, blessed and contented... and lazy to go to work the next day! hahahah...
Saturday, April 18, 2009
short breakaway
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
it's about time...
Saturday, April 11, 2009
life is a box of contradictions...
Friday, April 10, 2009
life is a basket of fruits...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
untuk Z
Day 1 - surveying all the possibilities. I did not have a big budget, I mean, he's not my boyfriend, so tak payah la nak spend banyak sangat kan? hehe.. Gosh, buying things for men is a difficult task! Men don't wear a lot of accessories, so the scope is quite limited. I went back home with zero idea!
Day 2 - after about an hour of surveying, I settled on this table lamp. It was funky and different but certainly not new arrival. I didn't know why I bought it in the first place. Yes, he just moved in to a new house, so the lamp would be perfect.. but... eee... tak best! tak best!
Day 3 - went back to JJ. The table lamp will be a gift to another friend je lah... Stress giler cari hadiah untuk mamat ni. I wanted it to be different - something that he wouldn't think of! Then, sheeda came up with an idea. We went to the household section. I bought him a japenese plate with a matching bowl, a spoon, a pair of chopsticks and a mug. Then I spotted a matching tray which fit everything nicely. I then bought a plastic container that can be used as a drainer as well as to keep the set securely. He lives alone and seldom cooks. He always 'tapau' his food even at the office. Thus, this individual dining set is just perfect to be used and kept in his office! Mission accomplished! I hoped he would like it and most importantly appreciate the time and energy I had spent in finding him his birthday gift.
Hadiah tu sememangnya tak mahal, tak de brand, tak lah sehebat mana... But at least it was different than what he had anticipated (u know stuff like shirt, tie, tie pins etc). And... I put in 100% effort to get him the present. That's the most important thing and I hope he realised that!
Happy Birthday Z!